“A penny saved is a penny earned.”

“Why spend money on something when you can get it for free?”

“A fool and his money are soon parted.”

“Money can’t buy happiness.”

“I’m always on the lookout for a bargain.”

“I believe in frugal living.”

“I have a tight hold on my purse strings.”

“Why spend when you can save?”

“I’m a master of stretching a dollar.”

“A cheapskate today is a millionaire tomorrow.”

“I never pay full price for anything.”

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.” DESTINATION QUOTES SHORT

“I’d rather save now and enjoy later.”

“Spending money is for the weak.”

“I have a knack for finding the best deals.”

“Frugality is the key to financial success.”

“I don’t believe in unnecessary expenses.”

“I find joy in saving every little bit.”

“I’m wise with my wallet.”

“I’m not cheap, just frugal.”

“There’s no shame in being thrifty.”

“Being stingy saved me from financial ruin.”

“I’m more interested in accumulating wealth than material possessions.”