“Karma has a way of dealing with those who try to ruin the lives of others.”

“The universe never ignores the actions of those who try to inflict pain and suffering on others.”

“If someone is constantly trying to ruin your life, they will eventually face the consequences of their own actions.”

“Karma may take time, but it always catches up with those who seek to harm others.”

“Those who try to ruin your life will eventually be left facing the ruins of their own.”

“Nobody can escape the wrath of karma, especially those who try to ruin the lives of others.”

“Don’t waste your energy on revenge, for karma will take care of those who try to ruin your life.”

“The universe has its own way of balancing things out, especially for those who try to destroy others.”

“Instead of focusing on those who try to ruin your life, focus on building the life you deserve.”

“Karma is an impeccable judge that always delivers justice to those who try to ruin the lives of others.”

“A person’s true nature is reflected in how they treat others and karma will ensure that those who harm will receive harm.”

“Never underestimate the power of karma, as it will surely repay those who attempt to ruin your life.”

“Don’t let the actions of others define your life; karma will take care of those who try to ruin it.”

“The ones who try to ruin your life are the ones who desperately need to fix theirs.”

“Focus on your own growth and let karma handle those who try to bring you down.”

“When someone tries to ruin your life, remember that karma has a way of giving them a taste of their own medicine.” QUOTE ABOUT LOVE FOR CHILDREN NO MATTER HOW MANY

“The universe always has a way of returning negative energy to those who try to ruin the lives of others.”

“Karma allows us to rise above those who try to ruin our lives and find peace within ourselves.”

“Instead of seeking revenge, let karma give them what they truly deserve for trying to ruin your life.”

“The best response to those who try to ruin your life is to continue thriving and let karma take care of the rest.”

“Karma is the ultimate equalizer, ensuring that the actions of those who try to ruin lives will eventually catch up with them.”

“The universe works in mysterious ways, but it never fails to provide justice to those who try to ruin the lives of others.”

“Don’t let the negativity of others consume you; trust in karma to balance the scales.”

“Those who attempt to ruin your life are only digging their own holes deeper, for karma always delivers what is due.”

“Stay strong knowing that karma will hold accountable those who try to destroy your peace and happiness.”

“Karma has its own timetable, but it never forgets those who try to ruin the lives of others.”

“People who try to ruin lives only succeed in ruining their own fate through the inevitable workings of karma.”

“When someone tries to ruin your life, remember that karma is the greatest equalizer and justice prevails.”

“Always stay true to yourself, for karma will make sure that those who try to ruin your life face their own reckoning.”

“Those who intentionally try to ruin lives will eventually realize that they are the ones living a ruinous existence.”