“I never really thought I’d be happy until I met him, but now that he’s gone, I don’t know if I’ll ever be happy again.”

“I’ve always been defined by the ones who left me behind.”

“Sometimes, I think the deepest wounds are the invisible ones, the ones that hurt the most but can’t be seen.”

“It’s a sad irony that the ones who bring us the most joy can also cause us the most pain.”

“I’m tired of feeling like I’m never good enough.”

“I never asked for any of this pain, this darkness that consumes me.”

“I’ve tried to be strong, but sometimes the sadness just overwhelms me.”

“I’m a master at hiding my true emotions, but deep down, I’m just a broken girl trying to find a way to heal.”

“Why is it that the people we love the most are the ones who hurt us the worst?”

“It’s hard to love someone who doesn’t know how to love themselves.”

“I’m trapped in a never-ending cycle of heartbreak and disappointment.”

“Sometimes, the hardest part about being alone is knowing you’ll never truly be with anyone.”

“I’m tired of being the one who always has to fix everything.”

“It feels like I’m drowning in sadness and I can’t find a way to come up for air.”

“I’m tired of pretending that everything is okay when it’s clearly not.” WHICH WAY TO GO QUOTES

“No matter how hard I try, I can’t escape my own darkness.”

“I’m tired of fighting a losing battle.”

“I’ve lost so much in this life that it’s hard to remember what it feels like to be happy.”

“I would give anything to feel something other than this constant ache in my chest.”

“Sometimes, it feels like I’m destined to be forever alone.”

“It’s hard to trust anyone when your heart has been shattered so many times.”

“I’m tired of feeling like I’m not enough, like I’ll never be enough for anyone.”

“Why is it that the people who claim to love us the most are the ones who hurt us the worst?”

“I’m just a broken girl trying to heal in a world that feels like it’s constantly trying to break me.”

“I’ve come to realize that sometimes, the saddest people hide behind the brightest smiles.”

“I’m tired of being the one who always gives and never receives.”

“I’ve built up walls around my heart so high that I’m not sure anyone will ever be able to tear them down.”

“Sometimes, it feels like my sadness is etched into my very being, like it’s a part of who I am.”