“The strong lift others up, the weak kick them when they’re down.”

“Don’t kick a man when he’s down, because you never know when the tables will turn.”

“True strength is displayed in helping others up, not in kicking them when they’re already down.”

“It’s easy to kick someone when they’re down; it takes character to lift them up instead.”

“Kicking someone when they’re down only reveals your own weakness.”

“Be careful who you kick when they are down, because they might be the one who will help you back up.”

“Instead of kicking someone when they’re down, offer a hand to help them rise.”

“The true measure of a person’s character is what they do when someone is down, not when they’re on top.”

“Kicking someone when they’re down doesn’t make you strong; it reveals your lack of empathy.”

“Don’t waste your energy on kicking others down; channel it towards lifting them up instead.”

“Instead of kicking someone when they’re down, use that foot to take a step towards understanding and empathy.”

“The world could use more healers, not those who kick people when they’re down.”

“Remember, those who kick others when they’re down are usually the ones who are afraid of being down themselves.” MISS BEING LOVED QUOTES

“We must strive to be the ones who extend a hand instead of delivering a kick when someone is down.”

“Kicking someone when they’re down is never a sign of strength, but a display of insecurity.”

“Choose to be someone’s strength, not the one who adds to their struggles by kicking them when they’re down.”

“Instead of kicking others when they’re down, let’s make our default response to be helping them rise.”

“Kicking someone when they’re down is an act of maliciousness, not something to be proud of.”

“When you kick someone when they’re down, you further cement your own place in the low ground.”

“Lift others up when they are down, for you never know when you’ll need that support in return.”

“Real power lies in helping others up, not in kicking them when they’re down.”

“Instead of kicking someone when they’re down, be the one who believes in them and helps them get back on their feet.”

“Strength is not measured by how hard you kick someone who is down, but by how you lift them up with compassion.”

“Kicking someone when they’re down only adds to the weight they’re already carrying.”

“Remember, every time you kick someone when they’re down, you descend a little further into your own darkness.”