“Kindergarten: where glitter and glue are a way of life.”

“Kindergarten is a little like Lord of the Flies… but with more snacks.”

“Kindergarten: where kids go to learn how to be professional snack eaters.”

“In kindergarten, you learn everything you need to know in life: sharing, taking turns, and how to avoid the cooties.”

“Kindergarten is like a circus, but without the lions and tightrope walkers… unless you count balancing on the monkey bars.”

“Kindergarten: the only place where it’s socially acceptable to wear a superhero cape all day.”

“Kindergarten: because who needs naps when you can have fun?”

“Kindergarten is where your child learns to count to Your child also learns there are 10 kids cooler than them.”

“In kindergarten, naptime is like a mini vacation… for the teachers.”

“Fair warning: Kindergarten is where your child learns to share, so prepare for them to come home with someone else’s shoes.”

“Kindergarten: where the drama is high and the mini people are even higher.” TANGLED QUOTES FUNNY

“Kindergarten is like the Olympics of snack time. The gold medal goes to the kid who can eat a cheese stick the fastest.”

“Kindergarten: where the most stressful decisions are which color crayon to choose.”

“In kindergarten, it’s not about finding your soulmate, it’s about finding your snack buddy.”

“Kindergarten: where everyone is an artist, but the clothes are the canvas.”

“Remember, in kindergarten, a band-aid is the solution to all of life’s problems.”

“Kindergarten: where classrooms are filled with laughter, imagination, and the occasional dinosaur roar.”

“Kindergarten: the only place where kids can have a meltdown over a broken crayon.”

“In kindergarten, recess is the pinnacle of the day. It’s like a mini vacation from learning your ABCs.”

“Kindergarten: where kids learn to raise their hand, but also how to wiggle loose teeth.”