“I am what the gods have made me!”

“Zeus, your son has returned. I bring the destruction of Olympus!”

“The gods of Olympus have abandoned me. Now there is no hope!”

“You cannot escape your fate, Zeus. Submit!”

“I will not rest until Olympus is destroyed!”

“Feel the power of the gods!”

“I am the Ghost of Sparta, and I will have my revenge!”

“You dare challenge me, mortal? Prepare to meet your doom!”

“I have faced many gods and monsters, none have been worthy!”

“Kratos, the God of War, is here to deliver your death!”

“I have killed the gods themselves, what chance do you have, mortal?”

“I will bathe in your blood!”

“You are but a speck on the horizon of my wrath!”

“You cannot contain the rage of the God of War!” FAMOUS ENGINEER QUOTES

“Ares, Hades, Poseidon… your reign ends now!”

“I do not fear you, Zeus. I am beyond fear!”

“The gods may come and go, but Kratos is forever!”

“I have sacrificed everything for Olympus, only to be betrayed!”

“You think you can match my power, Zeus? Think again!”

“I will bring death to all who stand in my way!”

“There is no escape from my vengeance!”

“I am the harbinger of your destruction!”

“The gods may have the power of lightning, but I have the power of the Titans!”

“My rage is eternal!”

“Your pathetic attempts to stop me are in vain!”

“You may be a god, but I am the God of War!”

“The time for talk is over, Zeus. Prepare for your demise!”