“Labor Day is a glorious reminder of the importance of taking a break…until you remember it’s the last long weekend of the summer.”

“Labor Day: the only day where having a ‘lazy Sunday’ feels like productivity.”

“Labor Day is just a polite way of saying ‘sorry, summer is officially over’.”

“On Labor Day, I’m going to take a nap like it’s my job.”

“Work hard, play harder, and sleep the hardest on Labor Day.”

“Labor Day weekend is like a one-way ticket to ‘I don’t want to get out of bed’ town.”

“If Labor Day is meant for relaxation, then let’s be honest, I’m one professional.”

“On Labor Day weekend, we celebrate all the hard work we’ll convince ourselves to do after the holiday.”

“Labor Day is the perfect time to have a BBQ and avoid cooking for the rest of the year.”

“I work so hard all year just to deserve my Labor Day nap.”

“Why celebrate Labor Day when I can pretend to work and get paid on any other day?”

“Labor Day: the day where I remember the joys of not setting an alarm.”

“Living for the weekend? Try living for Labor Day weekend.”

“Whoever invented Labor Day must have been a genius at finding an excuse not to work.”

“Labor Day is a reminder that summer is over and all we have left is the promise of pumpkin spice.” GRIEVING MOTHER QUOTES

“Labor Day: the one day it’s socially acceptable to wear white after Memorial Day.”

“Labor Day weekend is just an extended version of ‘Netflix and chill’.”

“Labor Day: the time of year when I start counting down the days until the next three-day weekend.”

“On Labor Day, I plan on doing as little as possible with a side of doing nothing.”

“Labor Day is like a breath of fresh air… if you can find the energy to take one.”

“Labor Day is the perfect excuse to celebrate the heroes of the modern age: the ones who work the remote.”

“Celebrate Labor Day by doing your best work at avoiding work.”

“Labor Day: the unofficial ‘pretend to be productive’ day.”

“Can’t decide what to do on Labor Day? Just spend the day counting down the minutes until it’s socially acceptable to take a nap.”

“Labor Day is a great day to reflect on all the work we’ll avoid during the fall and winter.”

“Labor Day is the one day where sleeping in is not only acceptable, but celebrated.”

“This Labor Day, make sure you work on your nap taking skills.”

“Labor Day: the fleeting moment where we can forget about deadlines and focus on drinking wine instead.”