“I am not a princess. I am Lagertha, shield-maiden of Kattegat!”

“A woman’s strength is not in her sword, but in her heart.”

“I was taught to be a warrior, not just a wife.”

“I may be a woman, but I have the heart of a warrior.”

“I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of not living.”

“The gods may have created men, but it is women who shape the world.”

“I will not be silenced by anyone. I am Lagertha, and I will be heard.”

“The world is full of men who want to own you. Don’t let them.”

“I am no man’s pawn. I am a queen in my own right.”

“I have fought too long to be underestimated. I will not be dismissed.”

“I will not bend to the will of anyone. I am Lagertha, and I stand strong.”

“There is power in being a woman who refuses to be limited.”

“I am not here to please men. I am here to prove them wrong.”

“I may have been born a woman, but I have the heart of a warrior.” HOW TO MAKE MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES

“Strength is not just in muscles, but in determination.”

“I will show the world that women can be as fierce as any man.”

“I have faced battles, both on and off the battlefield. I will not be defeated.”

“I have scars, both physical and emotional, and I wear them proudly.”

“I will not let the opinions of others define me. I define myself.”

“I will not let anyone’s limitations become my own.”

“I will not wait for someone else to save me. I will save myself.”

“I am a woman of my own choices, and I will not be judged.”

“I will not let anyone hold me back. I will make my own destiny.”

“I fight for my own freedom, and for the freedom of all women.”

“Strength is not about being fearless, but about facing your fears head-on.”

“I will rise again, stronger and more determined than ever before.”