“Pater familias, omnipotens et magnificus.” – “Father of the family, all-powerful and magnificent.”

“Pater noster, superior vir.” – “Our father, a superior man.”

“Pater bonus est unus ex donis divinitatis magnum.” – “A good father is one of God’s greatest gifts.”

“Pater est qui genuit, non qui adoptavit.” – “He is a father who begets, not he who adopts.”

“Pater semper in te confidam.” – “Father, I will always trust in you.”

“Pater amat filios suos” – “A father loves his children.”

“Nulla vita sine patre.” – “There is no life without a father.”

“Pater est familiae fundamentum.” – “A father is the foundation of the family.”

“Pater est verus heroicus amor.” – “A father’s love is true heroism.”

“Semper et ubique pater est.” – “Father is always and everywhere.”

“Pater est qui omnia pateris.” – “He is a father who endures all things.” SISTERS BY HEART QUOTES

“Pater adest, frangam vincula mali.” – “Father is here, I will break the chains of evil.”

“Pater est ex sursum datus.” – “Father is sent from above.”

“Pater est dux in tenebris.” – “Father is a leader in darkness.”

“Pater est solamen lacrimarum.” – “Father is a comfort in tears.”

“Amor est pauci qui est pater.” – “Love is scarce, which is a father.”

“Pater est qui diligenter curat.” – “He is a father who cares diligently.”

“Pater est fons sapientiae.” – “Father is the source of wisdom.”

“Pater est melior quam aurum.” – “Father is worth more than gold.”

“Pater semper amantissimus.” – “Father is always most loving.”