“The power of an attorney is in the uncertainty of the law.” – Jeremy Bentham

“The first duty of a lawyer is to delay judgement.” – Francis Bacon

“Lawyers are the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punished.” – Jeremy Bentham

“The law is a noble profession.” – Cicero

“A lawyer’s time and advice are his stock in trade.” – Abraham Lincoln

“A lawyer’s performance in the courtroom is responsible for what the public thinks of all lawyers.” – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“The good lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency, and qualifies all his qualifications, but who throws himself on your part so heartily that he can get you out of a scrape.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Intellectual property is the next software.” – Mark Getty

“Lawyers are essential to the functioning of society.” – Jamie Gorelick

“The law is not a trade, nor is the law a profession – the law is a calling.” – Lord Thomas Denning

“A lawyer should never be the only master of his art, but should always strive to become a master of his profession.” – Lord Robin Cooke GO SEE THE WORLD QUOTES

“A client not worth fighting for, is not worth a lawyer’s time.” – F. Lee Bailey

“Lawyers are like beavers, they get in the mainstream and damn it up.” – John Naisbitt

“A lawyer without books would be like a workman without tools.” – Thomas Jefferson

“A lawyer is a learned gentleman who rescues your estate from your enemies and keeps it himself.” – Henry Peter Brougham

“Lawyers are the foot soldiers of our Constitution.” – Ron Kuby

“Law is order, and good law is good order.” – Aristotle

“Without a doubt, lawyers are the only profession where it is common to work backwards from what has to be achieved and tailor everything to that.” – Anthony Browne

“Lawyers are the custodians of society.” – Richard Posner

“Every lawyer has at least one expertise that nobody knows about.” – Gerard Butler

“As lawyers, we affirm our commitment to the pursuit of justice.” – James Comey