“I asked my husband to take out the garbage, and he said, ‘Why? It’s just going to fill up again.'”

“My husband’s idea of helping with housework is to supervise from the couch.”

“Lazy husbands always have a million excuses for why they can’t help around the house.”

“My husband’s favorite activity is nap time.”

“Lazy husbands think taking care of the kids means playing video games with them.”

“I asked my husband to fix the leaky faucet, and he said, ‘Can’t we just call a plumber?'”

“Lazy husbands believe grocery shopping is a woman’s job.”

“My husband’s idea of cooking is ordering takeout.”

“Lazy husbands spend more time on the couch than they do at work.”

“I asked my husband to mow the lawn, and he said, ‘But the grass will just grow back.'”

“Lazy husbands think Netflix marathons count as quality time.”

“My husband’s version of helping with laundry is throwing all the clothes in the dryer at once.”

“Lazy husbands have a talent for misplacing their tools and then never looking for them.”

“I asked my husband to clean the bathroom, and he said, ‘Can’t we just hire a maid?'” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT FLAG DAY

“Lazy husbands have perfected the art of ‘honey-do’ lists that never get done.”

“My husband’s favorite hobby is avoiding household chores.”

“Lazy husbands think assembling Ikea furniture is a fate worse than death.”

“I asked my husband to help prepare dinner, and he said, ‘I’m not really in the mood for cooking.'”

“Lazy husbands never see the dust and dirt that piles up around the house.”

“My husband’s idea of DIY is paying someone else to do it.”

“Lazy husbands always have an excuse for not taking the dog for a walk.”

“I asked my husband to clean out the garage, and he said, ‘But it’s so much work!'”

“Lazy husbands believe vacuuming is best left to the professionals.”

“My husband’s contribution to grocery shopping is adding snacks to the cart.”

“Lazy husbands think doing the dishes once a week is sufficient.”

“I asked my husband to help with the kids’ homework, and he said, ‘Can’t they figure it out on their own?'”

“Lazy husbands are masters of procrastination when it comes to household tasks.”