“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” – Exodus 20:8

“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” – Mark 2:27

“Keep the Sabbath day holy by offering your time in service to others.” – Thomas S. Monson

“The Sabbath is a day of rest, but also a day of worship and spiritual renewal.” – Russell M. Nelson

“Sabbath observance is a sign of our devotion to God and our commitment to His commandments.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“The Sabbath is a time to refocus our thoughts and align them with God’s will.” – David A. Bednar

“The Lord asks us to reserve one day each week as a day for worship, study, and service.” – Dallin H. Oaks

“Sabbath day observance brings spiritual strength and protection.” – Quentin L. Cook

“The Sabbath is a day to separate ourselves from the world and draw nearer to God.” – M. Russell Ballard

“The Sabbath is a day to be still, to connect with our Creator and find peace in His presence.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

“The Sabbath day is a beacon of light and hope in a busy world.” – Henry B. Eyring

“Sabbath observance is not a burden, but a blessing.” – Neil L. Andersen

“When we honor the Sabbath day, we show gratitude for God’s blessings and receive greater spiritual insights.” – Ronald A. Rasband MOTHER TERESA PEACE QUOTES

“The Sabbath provides us with spiritual nourishment and rest for our souls.” – Dale G. Renlund

“The Sabbath is a day of joy and delight as we focus on eternal truths and relationships.” – Gerrit W. Gong

“Sabbath observance strengthens our families and helps us grow closer to each other and to God.” – Ulisses Soares

“The Sabbath gives us an opportunity to receive personal revelation and guidance from the Holy Spirit.” – Gary E. Stevenson

“The Sabbath is a day to set aside worldly cares and seek a closer relationship with God.” – Lynn G. Robbins

“When we honor the Sabbath day, we demonstrate our faith and trust in God’s promises.” – Terence M. Vinson

“Sabbath day observance is a safeguard against the temptations of the world.” – Craig C. Christensen

“The Sabbath is a day of spiritual rejuvenation and a time to strengthen our testimonies.” – Todd D. Christofferson

“Sabbath observance is a commandment given for our benefit and happiness.” – Eduardo G. Costa

“The Sabbath is a day to focus on what truly matters – our relationship with God and our eternal destiny.” – Hugo Montoya

“The Sabbath is a day of holy convocation, a day to come together as a community of believers and worship the Lord.” – José A. Teixeira.