“If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, it’s meant to be.”

“Set them free, and if they return, they were always yours.”

“If you want to know if someone truly loves you, set them free and see if they come back.”

“Sometimes, letting go is the only way to truly know if someone belongs in your life.”

“If they come back after you let them go, their love was genuine.”

“Love is not possessive; it is allowing someone to choose you freely.”

“Let go of the fear of losing someone, and see if they choose to stay.”

“Real love is about giving someone the freedom to choose, even if it means they might leave.”

“True love is secure enough to let go, and confident enough to trust in its return.”

“If someone walks away, let them go. If they come back, their love was real.”

“Sometimes, the only way to truly appreciate someone’s presence is to let them experience your absence.”

“Letting go is not giving up; it is allowing space for growth and self-discovery.”

“If someone is meant to be in your life, they will find their way back to you.”

“In love, there is no holding on too tight. True love will always find its way back.” WHEN HE MAKES YOU HAPPY QUOTES

“Don’t try to force someone to stay. Trust that if they are meant to be in your life, they will choose to come back.”

“The greatest love story is the one where you let go and let destiny bring you back together.”

“Set them free and if they come back, you’ll know their love was worth the wait.”

“Letting go is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and understanding.”

“Allow them the freedom to explore, and if they return, they will come back changed, but their love will remain.”

“Don’t hold on to someone who doesn’t want to be held. Letting go is the key to finding true happiness.”

“If it’s meant to be, destiny will bring them back. Trust in the journey.”

“In the game of love, sometimes you win by letting go.”

“Letting go is not losing; it’s creating the space for something better to come into your life.”

“Don’t chase someone who is running away. If they love you, they’ll come back willingly.”

“Letting go is an act of love, both for yourself and for the other person.”

“If they come back, it means they were searching for something they realized they couldn’t find anywhere else.”