“I believe that’s what faith is. It’s believing in something without any proof, and that’s very hard.”

“Everyone thinks they’re invincible until they’re proven otherwise.”

“You think you’re staring death in the face, but you’re not. You’re staring life in the face.”

“I’ve read recently that I’m broke and homeless and living out of a suitcase. I think people think celebrities don’t have human problems anymore.”

“Success is very ephemeral. You depend entirely on the desire of others, which makes it difficult to relax.”

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

“I think it’s important to keep your personal life to yourself as much as you can.”

“It’s always intimidating to meet an icon.”

“Your life is your own. Rise up and live it.”

“Love is always more important in life.”

“I’m fascinated by how the world works, and the mechanisms behind it.”

“I’m always intrigued by characters who have lived full lives before you meet them.” BEST MARVEL QUOTES

“I think audiences are smart enough to keep up with what’s going on, and they’re smart enough to know when they’re being manipulated.”

“I’m always looking for an action role. I love the adrenaline rush.”

“I think a great action film is one that’s character-driven and has a great plot.”

“I’m looking for the truth. The audience doesn’t come to see you, they come to see themselves.”

“I’m not a big fan of violence, but I don’t see a contradiction with using violence appropriately in movies.”

“I love playing characters who are strong and resourceful, but also vulnerable and have a certain humanity.”

“Fear can be a good thing. It can keep you alive.”

“I have a very good visual memory. I can look at a script and pretty much visualize the whole movie. I’m a very visual person.”

“We are all fighting our own battles, so be kind.”

“Life is very precious; there’s no need to waste it on negativity.”