“Hope is why I’m still alive” – Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi) (pg. 7)

“Hope? Hope can be a very powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.” – Pi (pg. 69)

“Hope is such a glorious feeling. There are times when it almost blots out reality.” – Pi (pg. 85)

“Hope survives best at the borders of insanity” – Pi (pg. 101)

“Hope is the engine that drives the world” – Pi (pg. 134)

“Hope is not about blind optimism. It’s about having the courage to face uncertainty and still believe that things will turn out fine” – Pi (pg. 150)

“Hope is what makes the stars shine brighter in the darkest nights.” – Pi (pg. 168)

“Hope is a catalyst that keeps us striving for betterment, even in the bleakest of circumstances” – Pi (pg. 185)

“Hope is a flame that never goes out, even in the fiercest storms” – Pi (pg. 207)

“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear” – Pi (pg. 225)

“Hope is a ray of light that can pierce through the darkest of clouds” – Pi (pg. 249)

“Hope is the anchor that keeps us grounded in turbulent times” – Pi (pg. 267) SHORT QUOTES FOR TRUE FRIENDS

“Hope can turn a harsh reality into a beautiful dream” – Pi (pg. 285)

“Hope is a lifeline that pulls us out of despair” – Pi (pg. 305)

“Hope is a refuge for the weary soul” – Pi (pg. 330)

“Hope is a gentle breeze that carries us forward when we are lost” – Pi (pg. 347)

“Hope is a flame that can warm the coldest hearts” – Pi (pg. 365)

“Hope is a lighthouse that guides us through the darkest nights” – Pi (pg. 384)

“Hope is a song that never stops playing, even when all seems lost” – Pi (pg. 400)

“Hope is the seed from which miracles bloom” – Pi (pg. 422)

“Hope is the golden thread that weaves through the tapestry of life” – Pi (pg. 444)

“Hope is the heartbeat that keeps us alive” – Pi (pg. 482)