“When you feel lost, remember that even the darkest nights have stars to guide you home.” – Unknown

“Let the light within guide you on your journey back home.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

“The flickering candle of hope will always guide you home.” – Unknown

“When life gets dark, let the light within you guide you home.” – Tiffany S. LaShell

“In the darkest of moments, let the light of your dreams guide you home.” – Unknown

“The light that shines within you will always be your compass, guiding you home.” – Unknown

“The light at the end of the tunnel will always guide you home.” – Unknown

“In the midst of chaos, let the light of love guide you back home.” – Unknown

“When you’re feeling lost, let the light of your passions guide you home.” – Unknown

“Trust your intuition, it will always guide you safely back home.” – Unknown

“Let the light of wisdom illuminate your path and lead you home.” – Unknown

“The light within your heart will always guide you back home.” – Unknown

“When darkness surrounds you, let the light of your courage guide you home.” – Unknown

“When all else fails, let the light of faith guide you home.” – Unknown

“The light of your dreams will always be there to guide you home.” – Unknown

“In times of uncertainty, let the light of hope lead you back home.” – Unknown COWGIRL QUOTES AND SAYINGS

“When you can’t find your way, let the light of love guide you home.” – Unknown

“The light of your passions will always guide you back home.” – Unknown

“When life feels overwhelming, let the light of gratitude guide you home.” – Unknown

“Let the light of joy guide you on your journey back home.” – Unknown

“The light within your soul will always be there to guide you home.” – Unknown

“When the world feels heavy, let the light of resilience guide you home.” – Unknown

“The light of possibilities will always be there to guide you back home.” – Unknown

“Let the light of forgiveness guide you on your journey back home.” – Unknown

“When you feel lost, let the light of self-discovery guide you home.” – Unknown

“The light within your dreams will always be there to guide you back home.” – Unknown

“Let the light of compassion guide you on your journey back home.” – Unknown

“When the path seems unclear, let the light of intuition guide you home.” – Unknown

“The light of your purpose will always be there to guide you back home.” – Unknown

“Let the light of peace guide you on your journey back home.” – Unknown