“Time waits for no one.” – Unknown

“Life is like an hourglass, eventually everything hits the bottom, and all you have to do is walk away.” – Unknown

“The sands of time are ever-shifting, reminding us to make the most of every precious moment.” – Unknown

“Time flies like the wind; fruit flies like a banana.” – Groucho Marx

“Forever is composed of nows.” – Emily Dickinson

“In the hourglass of life, the sands are constantly shifting, reminding us to cherish each passing moment.” – Unknown

“Time is non-refundable. Use it with intention.” – Unknown

“The sands of time may slip through our fingers but leave behind the memories of moments well-lived.” – Unknown

“The only constant in life is change, like grains of sand slipping through an hourglass.” – Unknown

“Time is a gift, not to be wasted or taken for granted.” – Unknown

“The hourglass reminds us that time is irreplaceable. Make the most of each precious moment.” – Unknown

“Life’s journey is marked by the ticking sands of time. It is up to us how we spend it.” – Unknown

“The sands of time never stop flowing, reminding us to appreciate the present.” – Unknown

“Every second counts. Don’t waste it.” – Unknown GO F YOURSELF QUOTES

“Time is the most valuable currency in life. Spend it wisely.” – Unknown

“Life is like an hourglass, slowly trickling away. Don’t wait for the sand to run out before you start living.” – Unknown

“Time is fleeting, like the grains of sand slipping through an hourglass. Don’t let it slip away.” – Unknown

“The sands of time may be slipping away, but new opportunities always await.” – Unknown

“Make the most of each grain of sand in the hourglass of life.” – Unknown

“A moment lost is lost forever, just like grains of sand slipping away in an hourglass.” – Unknown

“Time never stops flowing, but we can choose how to navigate its currents.” – Unknown

“Time is the greatest equalizer; it treats everyone the same. It is up to us to make the most of it.” – Unknown

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment; take the moment and make it perfect.” – Unknown

“The sands of time don’t discriminate; they slip away for everyone. It is up to us to make each moment count.” – Unknown

“Time is a priceless commodity, so spend it wisely on what truly matters.” – Unknown

“The sands of time are finite; use them to build a life worth remembering.” – Unknown

“Life is a journey, and time is the vessel that carries us forward. Don’t waste a moment on regrets.” – Unknown