“You’ve gotta live for the small things, like kisses on the cheek.” – Harry Styles

“We’re all worth more than the little things we think we’re not.” – Niall Horan

“It’s the little things that make life worth living, like being able to hug someone and tell them you love them.” – Louis Tomlinson

“Sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most.” – Liam Payne

“Don’t let the little things distract you from the big picture.” – Zayn Malik

“It’s the little things that make life beautiful.” – Harry Styles

“It’s the little things that make me smile, like a random act of kindness.” – Niall Horan

“Appreciate the little things, because one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” – Louis Tomlinson

“Sometimes the little things mean the most, like a text from someone you care about.” – Liam Payne

“Life is made up of little things, so don’t take them for granted.” – Zayn Malik

“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” – Harry Styles

“The little things in life are what make it worth living.” – Niall Horan MISSING MOM ON MOTHERS DAY QUOTES

“Don’t underestimate the power of the little things, like a smile from a stranger.” – Louis Tomlinson

“Cherish the little things, because one day you may realize they were the big things.” – Liam Payne

“Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that mean the most.” – Zayn Malik

“The little things in life bring the biggest joy.” – Harry Styles

“Find happiness in the little things, like a warm cup of tea on a cold day.” – Niall Horan

“The little things in life are what make it meaningful.” – Louis Tomlinson

“Don’t overlook the little things, they often bring the greatest joy.” – Liam Payne

“Appreciate the small moments, because one day you’ll realize they were the big moments.” – Zayn Malik

“The little things may go unnoticed, but they carry the most love.” – Harry Styles

“Happiness is found in the little things, like the sound of laughter.” – Niall Horan

“The magic is in the details; find joy in the little things.” – Louis Tomlinson