“Loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow.” – Janet Fitch

“The eternal quest of the human being is to shatter his loneliness.” – Norman Cousins

“You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone.” – Amit Ray

“The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Sometimes you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being yourself.”

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” – Michel de Montaigne

“It is better to be alone than in bad company.” – George Washington

“It’s easy to stand with the crowd. It takes courage to stand alone.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” – Henry Rollins

“Loneliness is not lack of company, it is lack of purpose.” – Guillermo Maldonado

“Real loneliness is not necessarily limited to when you are alone.” – Chuck Palahniuk

“When you feel lonely, reach out to others and let them know. Remember, we’re all in this together.” – Unknown

“Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” – Paul Tillich

“The surest cure for vanity is loneliness.” – Thomas Wolfe

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.” – Wayne Dyer

“Out of loneliness comes an invitation to break through to solitude.” – Henri Nouwen IF U TREAT ME LIKE AN OPTION QUOTES

“Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self.” – May Sarton

“I think it’s good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.” – Amy Sedaris

“Loneliness is not lack of company, loneliness is lack of purpose.” – Will Smith

“One can be lonely even among a crowd, if the people surrounding them do not truly understand or connect with them.” – Unknown

“There is no loneliness greater than the loneliness of a failure. The failure is a stranger in his own house.” – Eric Hoffer

“Loneliness is not about being alone, but about feeling disconnected from others.” – Unknown

“Sometimes loneliness is a good thing, because it helps you discover who you are and what you want.” – Unknown

“You never know how alone you are until you’re staying up all night thinking about things you should never think of.” – Unknown

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” – Michel de Montaigne

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” – Michel de Montaigne

“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” – Mother Teresa

“It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.” – Albert Einstein

“Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.” – Rupi Kaur

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” – Michel de Montaigne