“In a long-term relationship, you start realizing that some battles are not worth fighting, like who gets to control the TV remote.”

“Being in a long-term relationship means having someone to blame for every missing sock.”

“Love is sharing the last slice of pizza in a long-term relationship.”

“A long-term relationship is when you can go from lovey-dovey to annoyed in a matter of seconds and still love each other.”

“A long-term relationship is basically a series of inside jokes that only you two understand.”

“In a long-term relationship, everything becomes a team effort, even deciding where to order takeout.”

“The secret to a long-lasting relationship is pretending not to hear each other’s annoying habits.”

“In a long-term relationship, cuddling becomes Olympic-level training.”

“A long-term relationship is when you no longer get butterflies, but instead get a strong craving for pizza together.”

“A long-term relationship is like a well-oiled machine, with both partners pushing each other’s buttons.”

“Finding someone who accepts your weirdness without judgement is the true definition of a long-term relationship.”

“In a long-term relationship, the phrase ‘I love you’ is often replaced with ‘Have you seen my keys?'” SWIM DAY QUOTES

“A long-term relationship is when you can fart freely without fear of judgment.”

“In a long-term relationship, date nights become more about who can fall asleep first on the couch.”

“A long-term relationship is like a never-ending game of ‘Who can annoy the other more?'”

“In a long-term relationship, you realize that true love is not having to share your favorite dessert.”

“A long-term relationship is when you don’t have to say anything to understand what the other person is thinking, except when they are hangry.”

“In a long-term relationship, sarcasm becomes the language you speak fluently.”

“A long-term relationship is when you prioritize watching your favorite TV show together over going out with friends.”

“In a long-term relationship, you don’t need fancy flowers or expensive gifts, just someone who can unclog a toilet.”

“A long-term relationship is going from sexy lingerie to matching sweatpants and still feeling attractive.”

“In a long-term relationship, you know you’ve found your soulmate when you can’t imagine life without their annoying habits.”

“A long-term relationship is when the best part of waking up is knowing they are next to you, even if they steal all the blankets.”