“Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday, or never after look me in the face.”

(Act 3, Scene 5)

“My child is yet a stranger in the world, she hath not seen the change of fourteen years.”

(Act 1, Scene 2)

“Nurse, give leave awhile, we must talk in secret. Nurse, come back again.”

(Act 3, Scene 4)

“Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender of my child’s love: I think she will be ruled in all respects.”

(Act 3, Scene 4)

“But fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next, to go with Paris to Saint Peter’s Church.”

(Act 3, Scene 4)

“My heart is wondrous light, since this same wayward girl is so reclaimed.”

(Act 4, Scene 3)

“By my count, I was your mother much upon these years that you are now a maid.”

(Act 1, Scene 3)

“Marry, ’tis time. Well said, my hearts! You are a princox, go! Be quiet or—What! Nurse, I say!”

(Act 1, Scene 5)

“Soft! Take me with you, take me with you, wife. How! Will she none? Doth she not give us thanks? Is she not proud? Doth she not count her blest, unworthy as she is, that we have brought so worthy a gentleman to be her bride?”

(Act 3, Scene 5)

“But, fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next, to go with Paris to Saint Peter’s Church, or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither.”

(Act 3, Scene 4)

“How now, how now, chop-logic! What is this? ‘Proud,’ and ‘I thank you,’ and ‘I thank you not’; and yet ‘not proud’?—Mistress minion you, thank me no thankings, nor proud me no prouds.”

(Act 3, Scene 5)

“My child is yet a stranger in the world; she hath not seen the change of fourteen years. Let two more summers wither in their pride ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.” WORKING THINGS OUT QUOTES

(Act 1, Scene 2)

“Monday! Ha, ha! Well, Wednesday is too soon, O’ Thursday let it be.—O’ Thursday, tell her, she shall be married to this noble earl.—Will you be ready? Do you like this haste? We’ll keep no great ado.”

(Act 3, Scene 4)

“Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone. ‘A bears him like a portly gentleman; And, to say truth, Verona brags of him to be a virtuous and well-govern’d youth.”

(Act 1, Scene 5)

“Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender of my child’s love. I think she will be ruled in all respects by me; nay, more, I doubt it not.”

(Act 3, Scene 4)

“Have you delivered to her our decree?”

(Act 4, Scene 2)

“Love, give me strength! And strength shall help afford. Farewell, dear Juliet, and good-night indeed. If that thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow.”

(Act 3, Scene 5)

“Lady Capulet: Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn, the gallant, young and noble gentleman, the County Paris, at Saint Peter’s Church, shall happily make thee there a joyful bride.”

(Act 3, Scene 4)

“Let two more summers wither in their pride ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.”

(Act 1, Scene 2)

“She’s the hopeful lady of my earth.” (Act 1, Scene 2)

“Wife, we scarce thought us blest that God had lent us but this only child, but now I see this one is one too much, and that we have a curse in having her.”

(Act 3, Scene 5)

“My fingers itch.”

(Act 1, Scene 5)

“A stranger in the world, she hath not seen the change of fourteen years.”

(Act 1, Scene 2)