“Your actions may hurt others, but you are the one who will bear the karmic consequence.”

“Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. Every action has a reaction.”

“Do good and good will come to you. Do harm and harm will return to you.”

“You cannot escape the consequences of your actions. Eventually, karma will catch up with you.”

“Karma is not about punishment, it’s about learning and growth.”

“If you sow the seeds of kindness, you will harvest the fruits of happiness.”

“The best way to cleanse your karma is through selfless service to others.”

“Karma is like a boomerang. Whatever you throw out, it will come back to you.”

“Don’t blame others for your karma. You are responsible for your own actions.”

“The law of karma is impartial. It treats everyone equally, based on their deeds.”

“Your thoughts and intentions also create karma, so be mindful of your inner world.”

“Karma is not fate. It is a reflection of your choices and actions.” WILL THE PAIN EVER GO AWAY QUOTES

“If you want to change your future, change your present actions. Karma can be rewritten.”

“Whatever you give to the world, that’s what you will receive.”

“The universe has its own way of correcting imbalances. Trust in the law of karma.”

“You can’t expect to plant negativity and reap positivity. What you sow is what you’ll harvest.”

“Karma is not about revenge. It’s about balancing the energies in the universe.”

“If you want good things in life, do good to others. Positive actions create positive consequences.”

“Karma is not about instant results. Sometimes, it may take time for the effects to manifest.”

“Choose your actions wisely, for they shape your destiny and determine your karma.”

“Don’t waste time worrying about others’ karma. Focus on your own actions and intentions.”

“Karma doesn’t always operate in this lifetime. It can carry forward to future lives as well.”

“Karma is an opportunity for growth and transformation. Embrace it with gratitude and learn from it.”