“I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it. That’s why I need to lose weight!”

“I’d lose weight, but I don’t want to lose the bond I have with my snacks.”

“I told my doctor I needed to lose weight, and he suggested I run in front of a motivational fridge magnet.”

“I’m trying to lose weight, but every time I step on the scale, it says ‘one at a time, please!'”

“My relationship with food? Let’s just say it’s complicated…and delicious.”

“They say you are what you eat. I don’t remember eating a sexy beast this morning!”

“I’m not overweight; I’m just under-tall.”

“My fridge asked me to close its door because I was letting the cold air out, but I told her it’s the only kind of air dieting I can do.”

“I’m not fat; I’m easy to see.”

“I’d exercise, but it makes me spill my coffee… and that’s just not an option.”

“Someone told me I needed to exercise, and I laughed. Then I laughed while eating a donut.”

“Dieting is like being on a cross-country road trip without any snacks. You regret your decisions after mile one.” CORALINE BOOK QUOTES WITH PAGE NUMBERS

“My weight loss strategy? Eating smaller portions… by using a teaspoon instead of a shovel.”

“I’ll start dieting… just after I finish this entire pizza.”

“You can’t make everyone happy. You’re not chocolate!”

“I dream of a world where chocolate burns calories instead of fat.”

“I’m on a whiskey diet. I’ve already lost three days!”

“I avoid exercise at all costs. I even take the elevator to go down one floor of my apartment!”

“My diet plan? Spell ‘exercise’ with my mouth, but flavor it with ‘extra fries.'”

“I’m convinced my metabolism is powered by pizza and ice cream.”

“Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels… except for chocolate, pizza, and tacos.”

“They say laughter is the best medicine. That’s why I’m laughing my way to a healthier weight!”

“My dieting plan? Nachos. Just kidding. I’m going to eat these nachos.”