“Love is beautiful, but it can also be painful. But the pain is worth it when it’s for you.”

“When you hurt, I hurt. That’s how much I love you.”

“Love is like a double-edged sword, it can bring both happiness and heartache.”

“Despite the hurt, I choose to stay and love you with all my heart.”

“Love is fragile, and sometimes it breaks us, but it also has the power to heal.”

“Your love has the ability to fill me with joy, but also the capacity to hurt me deeply.”

“You are the reason for my smiles, but also the one who can make my heart ache.”

“Love is not always a smooth ride, but I’m willing to endure the bumps for you.”

“My heart has been bruised, but it still beats for you.”

“You have the power to heal my wounds, but you also know how to inflict them.”

“Sometimes the person we love the most can be the one who hurts us the most.”

“Love brought us together, but it also has the power to tear us apart.”

“I never knew love could be both a source of happiness and pain.”

“Loving you is like walking a tightrope, with the risk of falling and getting hurt.”

“I never expected that the person I love could hurt me so much.” ADDICTED TO ONE PERSON QUOTES

“Love is a delicate dance between joy and hurt.”

“Hurt is the byproduct of love. It shows us how deeply we care.”

“I would rather be hurt by your truth than comforted by your lies.”

“Despite the hurt, my love for you remains unwavering.”

“Love can leave scars that never fade, but I am willing to bear them for you.”

“You have the power to break me, but also to make me whole.”

“Love made me vulnerable to hurt, but it also showed me strength I didn’t know I had.”

“Even when you hurt me, my love for you remains intact.”

“I know the pain of love, but I also know the joy it can bring.”

“When you hurt me, it feels like my world is crumbling. But when you love me, I feel invincible.”

“Love can hurt, but it’s the most beautiful kind of pain I’ve ever experienced.”

“Even amidst the hurt, my love for you remains unshaken.”

“Despite the pain, I choose to love you because the joy you bring outweighs any hurt.”