“Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person, while like is simply enjoying someone’s company.” – Unknown

“Love is when you care more about someone else’s happiness than your own, while like is just finding joy in their presence.” – Unknown

“You can love someone without liking them, but you can’t like someone without loving them.” – Unknown

“Love is lasting, while like can be fleeting.” – Unknown

“Love is a deep connection that goes beyond superficial feelings, while like is often based on surface-level attractions.” – Unknown

“Love is patient and understanding, while like can be impatient and demanding.” – Unknown

“Love is selfless, while like can be selfish.” – Unknown

“Love is a choice, while like can be based on impulse.” – Unknown

“Love is a journey, while like can be a passing interest.” – Unknown

“Love is about the whole person, flaws and all, while like can focus on specific qualities or traits.” – Unknown

“Love keeps you grounded, while like can make you feel high.” – Unknown

“Love is about building a future together, while like can be content with the present moment.” – Unknown

“Love is intimate, while like is often surface-level.” – Unknown

“Love survives hardships, while like can fade under pressure.” – Unknown

“Love is enduring, while like can be superficial.” – Unknown LETTING GO AND FINDING PEACE QUOTES

“Love is a deep connection of souls, while like can be a fleeting attraction of minds.” – Unknown

“Love sees the beauty in imperfections, while like seeks perfection.” – Unknown

“Love accepts and forgives, while like expects and judges.” – Unknown

“Love is the foundation of a lasting relationship, while like can be the spark that ignites it.” – Unknown

“Love is selfless sacrifice, while like can be selfish desire.” – Unknown

“Love is unconditional support, while like can be conditional admiration.” – Unknown

“Love doesn’t require reasons, while like might need justification.” – Unknown

“Love is a leap of faith, while like is a pleasant journey.” – Unknown

“Love is a constant presence, while like can come and go.” – Unknown

“Love is a feeling, a state of being, while like is an emotion, a passing moment.” – Unknown

“Love is a deep understanding, while like is a surface-level connection.” – Unknown

“Love is willing to let go, while like can hold on tightly.” – Unknown

“Love is an everlasting flame, while like can be a flickering spark.” – Unknown