“The greatest pain comes from loving someone you can never have.”

“When love is not reciprocated, it can feel like a dagger to the heart.”

“Sometimes the person we love the most is the one who hurts us the deepest.”

“Love is a gamble, and sometimes you lose.”

“Love can be cruel, especially when it fails to conquer all.”

“Breakups aren’t easy, especially when you still love the person who broke your heart.”

“Loving someone who doesn’t love you back feels like trying to hold onto a cloud.”

“She’s my favorite kind of heartbreak.”

“You broke my heart, but I still wish you happiness.”

“Loving you was a lesson in humility, and you taught me well.”

“Letting you go was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I deserve better than a one-sided love.”

“Sometimes, the person you want the most is the person you’re best without.”

“You don’t know pain until you love someone who doesn’t love you back.”

“Love is not always enough to make a relationship work.”

“You were my heart’s greatest vulnerability, and you took advantage of it.”

“Even heartbreak can’t erase the love I once felt for you.” BEST QUOTES ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH

“Sometimes the strongest love stories aren’t meant to have a happy ending.”

“You can’t force someone to love you, no matter how much you wish you could.”

“It hurts to know that what we had was real to me but just an illusion to you.”

“The saddest thing about love is that it doesn’t always conquer all.”

“You may not have loved me, but I’ve learned to love myself without you.”

“My heart still aches for the love I lost, but I’m learning to heal.”

“Every love story has a bittersweet ending; ours just ended on a sour note.”

“Loving you was like trying to hold onto smoke; it slipped right through my fingers.”

“Even though we have parted ways, I’ll always remember the love we shared.”

“You weren’t the one for me, but I’ll always cherish the moments we had together.”

“I may have lost you, but I gained the strength to love myself more.”

“Painful as it may be, sometimes walking away is the best choice for both of us.”

“Loving you brought me tears, but it also taught me how to be resilient.”

“I may have loved you unconditionally, but I can’t let your absence define me.”