“Love is deaf, it hears no words of doubt or fear.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to everything but the music of the heart.” – Shannon L. Alder

“True love is deaf to all except the demands of its own heart.” – Anonymous

“Love is deaf to logic and swayed only by emotions.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to the noise of the world, it only listens to the whispers of the soul.” – Unknown

“When love is deaf to reason, it becomes the most powerful force in the universe.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to distance, it triumphs over any separation.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to differences, it only sees the beauty in each other.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to past mistakes, it forgives and embraces the present moment.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to societal expectations, it creates its own rules.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to age, it transcends any boundaries.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to flaws, it accepts and cherishes imperfections.” – Unknown

“When love is deaf, it requires no words to be understood.” – Unknown

“True love is deaf to external opinions, it follows its own path.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to time, its essence is eternal.” – Unknown LOVING QUOTES FOR DAUGHTER

“Love is deaf to material possessions, it values connection above all.” – Unknown

“When two hearts meet, love is deaf to the world around them.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to negativity, it only focuses on the positive.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to barriers, it finds a way to unite against all odds.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to jealousy, it trusts and believes in the other.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to anger, it replaces it with understanding and compassion.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to time apart, it remains constant and unwavering.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to disappointment, it sees potential and growth.” – Unknown

“When love is deaf, it speaks a language understood by the heart alone.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to superficiality, it seeks genuine connection.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to distance, it can bridge any gap.” – Unknown

“Love is deaf to fear, it emboldens and empowers.” – Unknown

“When love is deaf, it speaks volumes without uttering a single word.” – Unknown