“Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.” – Helen Keller

“Sometimes, the person you love the most can hurt you the most.”

“What hurts the most is knowing that the person you loved with all your heart will never return the feeling.”

“Behind every beautiful thing, there’s some kind of pain.” – Bob Dylan

“Love can sometimes tear you apart, leaving you broken and shattered.”

“The saddest kind of love is when you love someone but you know they will never be able to love you back.”

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” – Richard Puz

“Losing someone you love is like losing a part of yourself. It’s a deep void that can never truly be filled.”

“Sometimes, the pain of losing someone you love is so intense that you can physically feel your heart breaking.”

“There is no pain quite like the pain of losing someone you love.”

“Grief is the price we pay for love.” – Queen Elizabeth II

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” – Norman Cousins

“The hardest part about losing someone you love is learning to live without them.”

“No matter how much it hurts, someday you will look back and realize that your scars were a testament to the love you once shared.” MOTHER A N D DAUGHTER QUOTES

“The pain you feel today is the strength you will feel tomorrow.”

“The greatest tragedies in life are not the lives taken too soon, but the lives lived in fear of truly loving.”

“Love never dies, it just changes form.”

“Sometimes love can be as painful as it is beautiful.”

“The pain of loss is a reminder of the depth of love we are capable of feeling.”

“The only thing worse than a broken heart is not allowing yourself to feel love in the first place.”

“Love is the ultimate risk, but it is in that risk that we find the greatest reward.”

“Sometimes, the most profound love stories are the ones that don’t have a happy ending.”

“Death may take away a person, but it can never erase the love you shared.”

“The pain of losing someone you love can never truly be put into words.”

“In the end, love is what gives our lives meaning, even when faced with the sadness of death.”

“Love is a bittersweet symphony; it can bring the highest highs and the lowest lows.”