“I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you did, as long as you’re my friend, I’ll kick your butt for life!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I will never let anyone take away my dream!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“If I have to fight to protect someone, then I’ll do it. And if I have to die for that person, then I die!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I don’t run away from danger. Because that’s not how a pirate lives!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you’ve come.” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I’m gonna be the King of the Pirates!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I may not know how to play the violin, but I can still play your heartstrings!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I’m not a hero, but I have the heart of one.” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I don’t need a reason to help people!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“Sleep is for the weak! I’d rather be out exploring the world!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I’m not crying! It’s just my eyes are sweating!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I don’t need treasure. I want to be the freest man in the world!” – Monkey D. Luffy BEST CLARKSON QUOTES

“I’m willing to risk everything to achieve my dreams, even if it means getting hurt along the way!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I might not have a plan, but I have a crew! And that’s enough for me!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I don’t care about money or power. All I care about is adventure and freedom!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I never lose! Even when I lose, I win because I learned something new!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“In a fight, always go with the man who smiles!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I love meat! Any enemy of meat is my enemy!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“Nobody can decide your limits except yourself!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I’m not gonna die, partner! I’m the future Pirate King!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I may look small, but I can eat more than anyone!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I’ll kick your butt so hard, it’ll land in the next chapter!” – Monkey D. Luffy

“I may be a pirate, but I have my own brand of justice!” – Monkey D. Luffy