“It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.”

“The ends justify the means.”

“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.”

“A wise ruler ought never to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interests.”

“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”

“Men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, for everyone can see and few can feel.”

“Politics have no relation to morals.”

“The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”

“It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver.”

“I’m not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it.”

“He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command.”

“Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.”

“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.”

“Men rise from one ambition to another: first, they seek to secure themselves against attack, and then they attack others.”

“The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.” MOTHERS DAY QUOTES BLACK AND WHITE

“There is no avoiding war, it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.”

“In the affairs of this world, men are saved not by faith, but by the want of it.”

“War should be the only study of a prince.”

“It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.”

“The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves.”

“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to lead in the introduction of a new order of things.”

“Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling.”

“The wise man does what he can, while the fool does all that he wants.”

“It is better to be impetuous than cautious for Fortune is a woman, and if you wish to stay on top of her, you must be rough with her.”

“Never was anything great achieved without danger.”

“The main foundations of every state, new states as well as ancient or composite ones, are good laws and good arms.”

“To anticipate the effect of danger is to disarm it.”

“Princes should be slow to punish and quick to reward.”

“Whoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.”