“Don’t make it too easy for him. Make him work for your attention.”

“Be confident in yourself. That will make him want to pursue you.”

“Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t put in the effort. Make him chase you.”

“Play hard to get. It will ignite his desire to chase after you.”

“Know your worth, and don’t settle for anything less. Make him chase you.”

“Be mysterious. Keep him guessing and he’ll be motivated to chase after you.”

“Create a sense of intrigue. That will make him want to unravel the mystery that is you.”

“Don’t be too available. Make him miss your presence and chase after you.”

“Focus on your own life and goals. That will make him want to be a part of it and chase after you.”

“Don’t chase after him. Let him come to you.”

“Give him a taste and then pull back. It will make him crave more and chase after you.”

“Be independent and strong. That will make him want to prove himself and chase after you.”

“Keep your standards high. Make him work hard to meet them and chase after you.” VALENTINE MOTHER QUOTES

“Show him that you have a life outside of him. That will make him want to be a part of it and chase after you.”

“Don’t be too predictable. Keep him on his toes and he’ll be motivated to chase after you.”

“Don’t be too available. Make him anticipate your presence and chase after you.”

“Be confident in your own worth. That will make him realize what he could be missing and chase after you.”

“Be a challenge. Make him want to conquer you and chase after you.”

“Don’t be afraid to say no. It will make him work harder to win you over and chase after you.”

“Focus on your own happiness. Make him see that you don’t need him to be fulfilled and he’ll be motivated to chase after you.”

“Flirt and tease. Keep him interested and he’ll be driven to chase after you.”

“Don’t be too available. Make him miss your presence and chase after you.”

“Give him space. It will make him appreciate your company more and chase after you.”

“Keep him on his toes. Make him uncertain and he’ll be compelled to chase after you.”

“Be patient. Good things come to those who wait, and when he realizes what he could have, he’ll chase after you.”