“Choose to be an option for someone who makes you a priority.”

“Don’t settle for being someone’s second choice; be the first choice or none at all.”

“Be so great that people have no choice but to make you their first option.”

“Be an option for those who appreciate your worth, not those who take you for granted.”

“Being someone’s option is a choice you make; choose to be someone’s priority.”

“Don’t waste your time being an option when you deserve to be someone’s only choice.”

“Never allow yourself to be someone’s backup plan; be their first and only plan.”

“Know your worth, so you never settle for being an option in someone’s life.”

“There’s a big difference between being someone’s option and being their chosen one.”

“Choose someone who makes you a priority, not just an option.”

“Being an option is a temporary position; be someone’s permanent choice.”

“Be an option only for those who are willing to put you first.”

“You should never be an option in someone’s life when you can be their everything.”

“Remember that you deserve to be someone’s priority, not just their option.”

“Being an option is a choice, and you can always choose to be more.”

“If someone only sees you as an option, it’s time to make yourself the priority.” THE BEST THING ABOUT HITTING ROCK BOTTOM QUOTE SING

“Be with someone who makes your heart skip a beat, not someone who sees you as a backup plan.”

“Never settle for being an option when you can be someone’s ultimate choice.”

“Being someone’s option means they’re taking you for granted; don’t settle for that.”

“Choose to be with someone who sees you as their first choice, not just an option.”

“When you realize you’re just an option, it’s time to become someone’s priority.”

“Being an option is not an honor; it’s settling for less than you deserve.”

“You are worth more than being someone’s backup plan; be the main character in someone’s life.”

“Don’t be content with being an option when you can be someone’s everything.”

“When someone treats you like an option, show them that you deserve better.”

“Choose to be an option for those who appreciate your presence, not those who take you for granted.”

“You deserve to be the first choice, not just an option in someone’s life.”

“Being someone’s option is never enough; always strive to be their chosen one.”

“Being someone’s option means they don’t value you; find someone who does.”

“Being an option means you’re not their priority; don’t settle for that, find someone who makes you their everything.”