“Make room for God in your heart, and He will fill it with His love and grace.”

“When you make room for God in your life, everything falls into place.”

“In the busyness of life, create space for God’s presence to guide and comfort you.”

“Surrender your worries and doubts to God, and make room for His peace to reign in your soul.”

“Clear out the clutter of materialism and make room for God’s eternal blessings.”

“Devote time each day to prayer and make room for God’s voice to speak to your heart.”

“Make room for God to work in your relationships, and watch how He can heal and restore them.”

“In the midst of chaos, make room for God’s presence to bring order and clarity.”

“Don’t fill every moment of your schedule, leave space for God to surprise you with His miracles.”

“Make room for God’s guidance, and you will never be lost in life’s journey.”

“Instead of seeking approval from others, make room for God’s love and acceptance to define your worth.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FOR DECISION MAKING

“Empty yourself of pride and self-centeredness, and make room for God’s humility to fill your soul.”

“Make room for God’s forgiveness in your life, and experience the freedom it brings.”

“Let go of control and make room for God’s perfect plan to unfold in your life.”

“Make room for God’s blessings by being grateful for what He has already given you.”

“Replace worldly distractions with moments of silence and make room for God’s wisdom to guide your decisions.”

“Make room for God’s presence in your daily routines, and you will find joy in the ordinary.”

“Clear out your negative thoughts and make room for God’s positive affirmations to shape your mindset.”

“Release the need for perfection and make room for God’s grace to embrace your imperfections.”

“Make room for God’s healing in your brokenness, and watch Him restore you to wholeness.”

“When you make room for God in every aspect of your life, you invite His blessings to overflow.”