“The best use of time is in giving your time to others.” – Unknown

“Time spent with loved ones is never wasted.” – Unknown

“Make time for the people who matter, for someday time will run out.” – Unknown

“The most precious gift you can give someone is your time.” – Unknown

“Time spent investing in relationships is time well spent.” – Unknown

“Time spent helping others is time invested in making the world a better place.” – Unknown

“One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the gift of your time.” – Unknown

“Make time for kindness and compassion, for it is never wasted.” – Unknown

“Time spent with others is what makes life meaningful.” – Unknown

“One of the best ways to show love is by making time for someone.” – Unknown

“Time spent in the service of others is time well spent.” – Unknown SELF QUESTIONING QUOTES

“Making time for others is an investment in your own happiness.” – Unknown

“Time spent connecting with others is never wasted.” – Unknown

“In the grand scheme of life, time spent with loved ones is what truly matters.” – Unknown

“Making time for others is a reflection of your priorities.” – Unknown

“The most valuable currency we have is time, and spending it on others is the best investment we can make.” – Unknown

“Time is precious, make sure to spend it with those who bring joy to your life.” – Unknown

“Time spent building relationships is never wasted, it’s an investment in happiness.” – Unknown

“A little time spent with others can have a profound impact on both their lives and your own.” – Unknown

“One of the greatest acts of love is making time for someone, for time is the most precious gift we can give.” – Unknown