“What’s the big deal about Greece? All they’ve got there is furry slippers and some kind of cheese!” – Donna

“I don’t care if he’s a dolphin trainer or a plumber, as long as he looks good naked.” – Tanya

“We danced on the beach, kissed on the beach, and dot, dot, dot.” – Rosie

“I have self-control, I just don’t use it.” – Sophie

“I used to have a thing with Bill, but then I found out he had a thing with every woman he met.” – Donna

“Instead of getting married again, I’m going to find a woman I don’t like and just give her a house!” – Sam

“I thought the Donna part was nice, but the more predictable menage a trois was a bit of a letdown.” – Bill

“Where are the men, or are we all going to share the woman’s wardrobe?” – Harry

“Did I ever mention that I have a degree in herbal medicine? Well, it’s a fact, I do. I got it from the same university where you got your French accent.” – Rosie

“If I want a man, I need a plan.” – Tanya

“I’m limited. Just look at me – you can tell that everything has passed me by.” – Harry SAYING GOODBYE TO FAMILY QUOTES

“I hope I didn’t give you virginity. ‘Cause that means I would’ve kept it for 30 years for nothin’!” – Donna

“I have to confess something: I’m pregnant. No, just kidding. I’m bloated. My belly is swollen like a pumpkin.” – Rosie

“We were young, we were foolish, we were regardless.” – Donna

“Sometimes I wonder if you even have a husband. Maybe you just imagined him like a crazed mother and a baby’s imaginary friend.” – Tanya

“You know what I’ve realized? I’m on a yacht, in Greece, surrounded by water, and nobody’s offering me a cocktail.” – Sophie

“The man who said ‘I’d rather have a slice of your loaf than never have your cake’ is better than Plato.” – Donna

“I don’t seize up, I’m not like that. I just have a lot of shit going on in my head and it affects my limbs.” – Bill

“I have decided to go in an entirely different casual direction. It’s a statement of freedom and self.” – Tanya

“Now sit down, shut up, and put a cap on it!” – Rosie

“We are women, and proud of it! Possessive, fallible, manipulative, empowered, needy, sexy, insecure, complicated, fierce… and beautiful.” – Donna