“Man is not God, but he possesses the power to create and destroy.” – Unknown

“Man’s limitations are what make him human, and his willingness to overcome them is what makes him extraordinary.” – Unknown

“Man is fallible, but his potential for growth and improvement is endless.” – Unknown

“Man can make mistakes, but he also has the capacity to learn from them and become wiser.” – Unknown

“Man is not infallible, but he has the ability to show compassion and kindness, making him godlike in his own way.” – Unknown

“Man may not have absolute control over all aspects of life, but he can master his own thoughts and actions.” – Unknown

“Man is not God, but he can strive to embody godly qualities such as love, forgiveness, and empathy.” – Unknown

“Man is not all-knowing, but he has the power to seek knowledge and gain wisdom.” – Unknown

“Man may not be able to control the forces of nature, but he can learn to live harmoniously with them.” – Unknown

“Man is not invincible, but he can find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.” – Unknown

“Man is not immortal, but he can leave behind a lasting legacy through his actions and achievements.” – Unknown

“Man is not omnipotent, but he has the ability to make a positive impact on the world around him.” – Unknown

“Man is not perfect, but he can strive towards excellence in all that he does.” – Unknown LOVE QUOTES ABOUT FATHER AND DAUGHTER

“Man may not be capable of miracles, but he can create wonders through his innovation and creativity.” – Unknown

“Man is not divine, but he can experience moments of transcendence and spiritual connection.” – Unknown

“Man is not infallible, but he can learn from his failures and turn them into opportunities for growth.” – Unknown

“Man is not God, but his capacity for love and compassion can bring healing and restoration to the world.” – Unknown

“Man may not have ultimate power, but he can use his influence to bring about positive change.” – Unknown

“Man is not omniscient, but his curiosity and thirst for knowledge can lead to groundbreaking discoveries.” – Unknown

“Man is not omnipresent, but he can choose to be fully present in each moment, embracing life’s experiences.” – Unknown

“Man is not immortal, but he can leave a lasting impact through his actions and the values he instills in others.” – Unknown

“Man may not have control over external circumstances, but he can cultivate inner strength and resilience.” – Unknown

“Man is not infallible, but his capacity for self-reflection and growth separates him from other creatures.” – Unknown

“Man is not God, but he possesses the potential to create beauty, inspire change, and make a meaningful difference in the world.” – Unknown