“Everything exists for some end, a horse, a vine. Why not a man? Is it for nothing, then, that God has laid down man’s nature at the outset, in the pattern of manhood?”

“The gods are not to blame for your own failings; it is not their function to serve you as a protection against your own self.”

“God does not impose obstacles in our way; He helps us to overcome them.”

“Do not waste the remainder of your life wondering about other people, when you have the power to know the truth about yourself and to do what is just in the sight of God.”

“The gods have forsaken man? Nay, gods have not abandoned man; man has abandoned himself.”

“God has created us with the ability to reason and to strive for excellence. It is up to us to use these gifts to the best of our ability.”

“God does not ask for blind faith; He asks for a diligent and honest search for truth.”

“The gods have given you a mind capable of understanding the world. Use it to seek wisdom and develop yourself.”

“God is not far away, but within us. He has given us the ability to reason and reflect on our actions.”

“Do not blame the gods for the hardships you face. It is through adversity that we grow and become stronger.”

“God does not desire sacrifices or rituals, but a sincere and pure heart.”

“The gods reward virtue and punish vice, whether in this life or the next.” QUOTES FROM THE ILIAD ABOUT ACHILLES

“Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure whatever challenges come your way.”

“The gods do not show favoritism; they treat all men equally based on their actions.”

“God does not interfere with our free will; He allows us to make our own choices and bear the consequences.”

“Do not worship gods blindly; seek understanding and discernment for yourself.”

“The gods have given us reason and conscience as guides. Listen to them and follow their guidance.”

“God does not judge us based on our circumstances, but on our character and actions.”

“The gods do not wish for us to be passive observers of life; they want us to actively participate in its beauty and challenges.”

“Do not seek to control or manipulate the gods; seek to understand and align yourself with their principles.”

“God does not discriminate based on external factors; He values virtue and inner strength above all.”

“The gods are not distant and uninvolved; they are present in every moment of our lives, guiding and supporting us.”

“Do not fear the gods; embrace their presence and seek to live a life worthy of their blessing.”