“Sometimes the person you love doesn’t deserve you.”

“Love should never be a prison sentence.”

“Marriage can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be a tragic one.”

“Sometimes, the hardest part of a relationship is when it’s over.”

“It is better to be alone than to be with someone who makes you feel alone.”

“Marriage shouldn’t be about staying together, it should be about staying happy.”

“When the love is gone, the pain is all that’s left.”

“A broken heart in marriage is perhaps the saddest kind.”

“It’s heartbreaking to watch the love between two people fade away.”

“Marriage is not always a fairytale; sometimes, it’s a tragedy.”

“True love doesn’t always conquer all; sometimes, it simply fades away.” QUOTES FROM THE BIBLE ABOUT LIFE BEING SACRED

“The saddest part about a failed marriage is the lost dreams and broken promises.”

“Not all marriages have a happy ending; some are destined for sorrow.”

“When love turns into heartbreak, it can be devastating.”

“Marriage should bring joy, not tears.”

“It’s harder to let go of someone you thought would be there forever.”

“Some scars are invisible, but they can still hurt just as much.”

“The pain of a failed marriage can linger long after the vows have been broken.”

“There is sadness in knowing that the person you once loved is now a stranger.”

“Marriage is supposed to be a sanctuary, but sometimes it becomes a battleground.”

“The end of a marriage can leave a void that is hard to fill.”