“Life is too short to be anything but happy.” – Unknown

“Masti is not about doing foolish things; it’s about enjoying every moment of life.” – Unknown

“Live life to the fullest and have masti in every step.” – Unknown

“Every day is a chance to have some masti and make beautiful memories.” – Unknown

“Life is a rollercoaster, and masti is the best way to enjoy the ride.” – Unknown

“Laughing is the best way to bring masti into your life.” – Unknown

“Don’t take life too seriously, add some masti and make it worth living.” – Unknown

“Let your hair down, break the rules, and have some masti!” – Unknown

“Happiness is contagious, spread the masti wherever you go.” – Unknown

“Masti is the secret ingredient that makes life delicious.” – Unknown

“Be crazy, be silly, but most importantly, be yourself and have masti.” – Unknown

“Spend time with those who bring masti, joy, and laughter into your life.” – Unknown PLATO QUOTE ABOUT LIFE

“Life may be tough, but never forget to have masti along the way.” – Unknown

“Masti is the spice of life; sprinkle it everywhere.” – Unknown

“Masti is not about being childish; it’s about never losing your childlike spirit.” – Unknown

“In the journey of life, masti is the fuel that keeps us going.” – Unknown

“Masti is not a destination; it’s a way of life.” – Unknown

“Life is too short for regrets, so embrace masti and let go.” – Unknown

“Smile, laugh, and make masti a daily habit.” – Unknown

“Masti is the music that makes life dance with joy.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with people who bring out the masti in you.” – Unknown

“Your life may not be perfect, but with masti, it can be amazing.” – Unknown

“Masti is the key to unlocking the true essence of life.” – Unknown