“Happiness is the best revenge.”

“Negativity breeds negativity.”

“Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

“Some people just spread negativity like a bad virus.”

“Life is too short to waste it on mean-spirited people.”

“Insecure people insult others to feel better about themselves.”

“A mean person’s opinion should hold no value to you.”

“Don’t let mean people rent space in your head; evict them and focus on positivity.”

“Don’t stoop to the level of mean-spirited individuals; rise above and stay kind.”

“Mean people attack others because they are unhappy with themselves.”

“The best response to a mean person is indifference; they thrive on attention.”

“Mean words reveal the character of the person speaking, not the one being spoken about.”

“Being kind to mean people doesn’t mean you’re weak; it means you are strong enough not to engage in their negativity.”

“Mean-spirited people drain your energy; choose to surround yourself with positive influences.”

“A mean person’s words say more about them than they do about you.” MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES FOR FRIDAY

“Ignoring mean-spirited individuals is the most effective way to disarm them.”

“Some people are so negative, they could turn gold into lead.”

“Don’t let mean people ruin your day; their negativity is a reflection of their own miserable lives.”

“Mean-spiritedness only breeds more unhappiness; be the one to break the cycle with kindness.”

“Mean people thrive on attention; starve them by refusing to give it.”

“Meanness comes from emptiness; show compassion for those who carry such darkness within.”

“The only way to win against a mean person is to not play their game.”

“Mean-spirited individuals can only bring you down if you allow them to.”

“Choose empathy over cruelty; it’s a reflection of your character, not theirs.”

“Mean-spirited people have a hard time seeing the beauty in others; pity them rather than hating them.”

“Kindness is the most powerful weapon against mean-spiritedness.”

“Don’t let the negativity of others consume you; choose to rise above and stay positive.”

“Your actions reflect your character; don’t let mean-spirited individuals tarnish who you are.”