“Life is just a journey, enjoy the ride.”

“Life is a blank canvas, paint your own masterpiece.”

“Life is a puzzle, piece it together.”

“Life is a rollercoaster, embrace the ups and downs.”

“Life is a book, write your own story.”

“Life is a garden, nurture what you want to grow.”

“Life is a game, play to win.”

“Life is a dance, let yourself move to the rhythm.”

“Life is a beach, soak up the sun and enjoy the waves.”

“Life is a mirror, reflect on your actions.”

“Life is a song, find your own melody.”

“Life is a movie, make each scene count.” QUOTES ABOUT KIDNEY DISEASE

“Life is a journey, not a destination.”

“Life is a puzzle, sometimes the pieces just don’t fit.”

“Life is a game, but there are no winners or losers.”

“Life is a rollercoaster, enjoy the thrill of the ride.”

“Life is a stage, make every moment count.”

“Life is a book, fill it with adventure and love.”

“Life is a journey, take the scenic route.”

“Life is a dance, let your feet guide you.”

“Life is a beach, relax and let the waves wash your worries away.”

“Life is a song, sing it from the heart.”

“Life is a movie, make your story worth watching.”