“Sometimes the closest friends are the ones who cause the most damage.”

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

“Fake friends are like shadows, always surrounding you but never really there.”

“True friendship is like a fragile flower, easily shattered by betrayal.”

“Friendship is like a glass; once broken, it can never be fully restored.”

“A true friend stabs you in the front.”

“Friendship should never be taken for granted, as it can be easily broken like a fragile thread.”

“A broken friendship can leave scars that last a lifetime.”

“Beware of friends who pretend to be loyal while secretly plotting your downfall.”

“A messed up friendship can chip away at one’s trust in others.”

“There is no greater sadness than realizing your once-close friend has become a stranger.” BE THERE FOR SOMEONE QUOTES

“Behind every messed up friendship lies a tale of broken promises and hidden intentions.”

“To lose a friend due to betrayal is to lose a piece of your own soul.”

“A dysfunctional friendship is like a toxic substance, slowly poisoning those involved.”

“It’s better to be alone than to surround yourself with friends who bring you down.”

“A friend who constantly hurts you is not a friend but an enemy in disguise.”

“A friend who only reaches out when they need something has no place in your life.”

“A damaged friendship is often irreparable, as the trust once shared is shattered beyond repair.”

“The deepest wounds are often inflicted by the people we trust the most.”

“A messed up friendship can teach you valuable lessons about who your true friends are.”