“I chose a half measure when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again.” – Season 3, Episode 12

“Just because you shot Jesse James, don’t make you Jesse James.” – Season 3, Episode 6

“No more half-measures, Walter.” – Season 3, Episode 12

“I don’t know who you are. I don’t even know who I’m talking to.” – Season 4, Episode 13

“You know, Walter, once upon a time, I was the guy who didn’t own the game, I was the hired muscle, the guy people called when they needed a hitter. But I’ve been working for a man lately who respects me, listens to me. You wanna cook crystal meth? You want that respect? Then go out and earn it.” – Season 4, Episode 7

“I did not kill Hank, but I might as well have. I watched him die. I watched Jane die. I was there. And I watched her overdose and choke to death. I could have saved her, but I didn’t.” – Season 5, Episode 14

“The moral of the story is I chose a half measure when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again. No more half-measures.” – Season 4, Episode 7

“You either run from things, or you face them. Mister, you are not running.” – Season 3, Episode 1

“I will beat that rap. I’m not going to jail.” – Season 4, Episode 11

“You know, if you were to poison a child, that would be without a doubt the worst thing you’ve ever done.” – Season 5, Episode 2

“You’re on thin ice, Jesse. You were lucky today, but your luck’s gonna run out. And when I do find you, I’m going to slit your throat and bathe in your blood.” – Season 2, Episode 4 MEMORIES QUOTES BEST FRIEND

“You’re a time bomb, ticking, ticking away. And I have no intention of being around for the boom.” – Season 4, Episode 2

“Walter, please, let’s both of us stop trying to justify this whole thing and admit you’re in danger.” – Season 3, Episode 12

“You know, just because you shot Jesse James, don’t make you Jesse James.” – Season 3, Episode 6

“Look, when the job is right and it needs to be done, then it’s your guy.” – Season 3, Episode 2

“Shut the f*** up, and let me die in peace.” – Season 5, Episode 7

“Sometimes, it’s good to have a queen.” – Season 4, Episode 2

“You’re a time bomb, Walter. Tick, tick, ticking. And I have no intention of being around for the boom.” – Season 4, Episode 2

“Just because you killed Jesse James, don’t make you Jesse James.” – Season 2, Episode 2

“You are not the guy. You’re not capable of being the guy. I had a guy, but now I don’t. You are not the guy.” – Season 2, Episode 9

“You know, Walter, it’s one thing to say you’re sorry. It’s another thing completely to deep down believe it.” – Season 4, Episode 7