“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.”

“Live your life like a pig in satin, always fabulous and never afraid to show it.”

“Nobody can hurt your feelings without your permission.”

“I am a fashion icon, a diva, and a force to be reckoned with. Deal with it.”

“If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?”

“I never realized how many muscles you need to smile until I joined show business.”

“Sometimes life isn’t all diamonds and rosé, but that doesn’t mean we can’t sparkle and enjoy the ride.”

“I’m not high maintenance, I’m just high quality.”

“Never let the opinions of others define who you are. You are fabulous, darling.”

“Being perfect is boring. Be yourself, even if that means being a little extra.”

“Never apologize for being fabulous.”

“I don’t compete, I win.”

“To all the women in the world, remember, it’s a man’s world only because they are still outnumbered.”

“Don’t underestimate moi.” ANATOMY FUNNY QUOTES

“Everything I need to know about life, I learned from the mirror.”

“Sometimes you have to break a few hearts to get what you want, and that’s okay.”

“True beauty comes from within, but a little makeup and a fabulous outfit never hurt anybody.”

“I’m not materialistic, just appreciate the finest things in life.”

“I’m not a puppet, I’m a diva in control.”

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile, and a little bit of glitter.”

“When in doubt, just throw on some sequins and make your entrance.”

“Why be normal when you can be extraordinary?”

“Life may be a journey, but I’m the star of the show.”

“I may be small, but my attitude is larger than life.”

“Dream big, work hard, and always remember to strut your stuff.”

“Remember, it’s not about being the same as everyone else, it’s about being authentically you and never apologizing for it.”