“Beauty comes from within, but a little makeup never hurts.”

“I’m a woman of substance. Substance just happens to be wearing a glamorous outfit.”

“Beauty is power, and makeup is the way we express that power.”

“I believe in the power of a good hair day to conquer the world.”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But if the beholder isn’t seeing it, they need an eye check-up.”

“I never leave the sty without my fabulous accessories. They are the cherries on top of my already fabulous self.”

“Beauty may be only skin deep, but my fabulousness goes all the way to my piggy soul.”

“I make no apologies for my love of luxury. It’s my way of enhancing my natural beauty.”

“Confidence is the most beautiful thing a piggy can wear.”

“I don’t wake up looking this fabulous, I WORK to be this fabulous.”

“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. Well, my skin is perfect, so I’m halfway there.”

“Lipstick is the key to conquering the world. Preferably in a shade that matches my fabulousness.”

“My beauty secret? A constant state of self-love and a dash of glitter.”

“Beauty is not just about how you look, it’s about how you live your life glamorously.”

“Glamour is a state of mind, and darling, I’m always in that state.”

“When in doubt, add more sparkle.” BEAUTIFUL QUOTES ON SISTERS

“True beauty is about embracing your flaws and celebrating your uniqueness.”

“I am a true believer in the magic of a good spa day. It’s like a beauty treatment for the soul.”

“Outer beauty fades with time, but inner beauty shines forever.”

“A smile is the best accessory a piggy can wear.”

“Why blend in when you were born to stand out?”

“Grooming is a form of self-love. And I love myself, a lot.”

“Beauty is not measured by the size of your waistline. It’s measured by the size of your heart.”

“Don’t be afraid to experiment with your style. After all, fashion is an art form.”

“Age is just a number, but my beauty is timeless.”

“A lady should always be glamorous, even in her dreams.”

“Beauty is feeling comfortable in your own skin. And my skin happens to love designer labels.”

“Sunshine is to Miss Piggy as beauty is to perfection.”

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest pig of them all? Obviously, it’s me!”

“Life is too short for boring outfits. Always dress to impress, especially yourself!”