“It’s not the flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.” – Johann Schiller

“A father’s love is eternal, even when he’s not physically present.”

“Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you, Dad.”

“No matter how old I get, I will always look up to my dad.”

“A father’s absence is felt, but his love remains forever.”

“Dads may leave this world, but they never truly leave our hearts.”

“I may not have you here to celebrate Father’s Day with, but I am forever grateful for the time we had together.”

“A father’s influence can never be replaced, even in his absence.”

“Gone but never forgotten, Dad. Happy Father’s Day in heaven.”

“There is a special place in my heart only you can fill, Dad.”

“You may not be here with us physically, but your spirit lives on in everything we do.”

“Dad, your love and guidance will always be cherished and missed.” QUOTES FUNNY NEW YEAR WISHES

“A father’s love is a precious gift, even when he is no longer here.”

“Today, I honor the memory of the greatest dad that ever lived.”

“Your absence leaves a void in my life, but your love remains with me always.”

“Although you can’t be here to celebrate Father’s Day, I know you are watching over us from above.”

“Dad, I carry your love with me every day, even though you’re not physically here.”

“Thank you for the memories, the love, and the strength, Dad. Happy Father’s Day in heaven.”

“The memories we shared are the greatest gifts a father can leave behind.”

“Your wisdom and love will guide me through life, Dad, even though you’re not here.”

“Father’s Day reminds me of the incredible bond we shared, and how much I miss you, Dad.”

“Dad, you may no longer be here, but your legacy lives on through your children and grandchildren.”