“Intimacy is not purely physical. It’s the act of connecting with someone so deeply, you feel like you can see into their soul.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is about being seen, heard, and understood.” – Unknown

“When you find someone who can handle your dark side, you’ve found someone worth keeping.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is not about sex, but about vulnerability and trust.” – Unknown

“True intimacy is when you can be yourself around someone, and they still love everything about you.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is being able to share your deepest fears, dreams, and insecurities with someone and trust that they will still love you.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is not just physical, it’s emotional and spiritual connection too.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is about being able to let your guard down and show your authentic self to someone without fear of judgment.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is the art of truly knowing someone and being known by them.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is feeling completely comfortable in someone’s presence, like you can be your truest self with them.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is not measured by the amount of time spent together, but by the depth of connection.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is being able to have difficult conversations with someone and still feeling loved and supported.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is feeling a deep connection and understanding between two souls.” – Unknown FRANCK FATHER OF THE BRIDE QUOTES

“Intimacy is about creating a safe space where you can explore your desires and fantasies without judgment.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is about being emotionally naked with someone, baring your soul and trusting them to hold it gently.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is feeling like you can share your darkest secrets with someone and they will still love you.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is the courage to let go of control and surrender yourself fully to another person.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is not about the quantity of physical touch, but the quality of emotional connection.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is the ability to have open, honest, and vulnerable conversations with someone without fear of rejection.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is allowing someone to touch your heart and soul, and trusting them to handle it with care.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is the deep knowing and understanding of another person on a level that transcends words.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is feeling completely at ease in someone’s presence, like you’ve known them your whole life.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is a dance of vulnerability and trust, where two souls meet and create a sacred space.” – Unknown

“Intimacy is not a destination but a journey of constantly deepening connection with another person.” – Unknown