“Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you comfortable in your sadness.” – Daniel Handler

“The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive.” – Coco Chanel

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable.” – Clare Boothe Luce

“Money doesn’t bring happiness and creativity. Your creativity and happiness bring money.” – Sam Rosen

“The more you chase money, the harder it is to catch it.” – Mike Tatum

“Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will.” – Nelson Mandela

“If money can’t buy you happiness, you’re not spending it right.” – Michael Norton

“To be truly rich is not about money, it is about having health, love, and happiness.” – Debasish Mridha

“The best measure of your investing success is not whether you’re beating the market but whether you’ve put in place a financial plan and a behavioral discipline that are likely to get you where you want to go.” – Benjamin Graham

“Happiness is not determined by what’s happening around you, but rather what’s happening inside you.” – Unknown

“Money won’t make you happy, but everybody wants to find out for themselves.” – Zig Ziglar

“It’s good to have money and the things money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” – George Lorimer

“People who want to be rich fall into all sorts of traps and temptations. They’re caught by foolish and harmful desires that drag them down and destroy them.” – 1 Timothy 6:9

“At the end of the day, if you’re chasing money, and you’re successful, at some point, you become the thing you hate.” – Rob Lowe FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT AMERICAN FREEDOM

“Success is not just about making money. It’s about making a difference, pursuing your passion, and living life on your own terms.” – Unknown

“The greatest wealth is to live content with little.” – Plato

“Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.” – David Lee Roth

“Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you feel like you’re living in a different world.” – Unknown

“It’s not the wealth you accumulate, but the experiences you create that truly enrich your life.” – Unknown

“There are two ways of being rich – you have more or you desire less.” – Unknown

“Don’t let money rob you of life’s true treasures.” – Unknown

“Money can provide comfort, security, and options, but it cannot guarantee happiness.” – Unknown

“True happiness is not found in material possessions, but in appreciating what you already have.” – Unknown

“The happiest people I know are not the richest, but those who appreciate what they have.” – Unknown

“Money can buy you a bed, but not a good night’s sleep. It can buy you a companion, but not true love.” – Unknown

“The most valuable things in life—love, health, and happiness—are priceless and cannot be bought with money.” – Unknown

“Money can buy you temporary happiness, but not long-lasting fulfillment.” – Unknown

“The best things in life cannot be bought or sold; they must be felt and cherished.” – Unknown