“Like mother, like daughter.”

“The love between a mother and daughter knows no distance.”

“A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.”

“A daughter may outgrow your lap but she will never outgrow your heart.”

“The bond between a mother and daughter is forever.”

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.”

“A mother’s love is unconditional, just like a daughter’s.”

“Mother and daughter, together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.”

“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.”

“A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.”

“The love and bond between us is unbreakable.”

“Mother and daughter, different flowers from the same garden.”

“A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be her mother’s best friend.”

“You are the yin to my yang, the calm to my chaos.”

“A mother’s love for her daughter is like no other love in the world.” A HUG FROM YOUR BEST FRIEND QUOTES

“Through thick and thin, we’ll always be there for each other.”

“You are my heart, my soul, my everything.”

“A daughter is a gift of love.”

“You are my rock, my guiding light.”

“You have my whole heart for my whole life.”

“A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.”

“The love between a mother and daughter is forever and always.”

“You are the reason I smile every day.”

“A daughter is a little girl who grows up to become her mother’s reflection.”

“You are my greatest accomplishment.”

“A mother’s treasure is her daughter.”

“A daughter is a mother’s greatest joy.”

“You are my sunshine, my rainbow.”

“The love between a mother and daughter is like no other, it is eternal.”