“A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” – Rita Mae Brown

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” – Frank Smith

“Language is the dress of thought.” – Samuel Johnson

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

“Language is the key to the heart of people.” – Ahmed Deedat

“To have another language is to possess a second soul.” – Charlemagne

“Language is wine upon the lips.” – Virginia Woolf

“Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world.” – Rumi

“Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini

“Language is power, life, and the instrument of culture, the instrument of domination and liberation.” – Angela Carter

“Language is the means of getting an idea from my brain into yours without surgery.” – Mark Amidon

“Language, the home we build with words, helps us see and have access to what we value most in the world.” – Paula Gunn Allen

“Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.” – Benjamin Lee Whorf

“Language is the archives of history.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson THINGS ARE GOING TO GET BETTER QUOTES

“The language we use influences how we behave and how we think. Real change happens through language and the stories we tell.” – Jeanette Ørsted

“Language is music, a chorus calling us to join.” – Jerry Apps

“Language is the road map of culture. It helps you understand where people are coming from and where they are going.” – Andrew Heywood

“Language is the means of getting an idea from my brain into yours without surgery.” – Mark Amidon

“Language is the means of getting an idea from my brain into yours without surgery.” – Mark Amidon

“Language is a vehicle that brings our thoughts, dreams, and desires to life.” – Suzy Kassem

“When we learn a language, we learn a different way of thinking and living.” – Graham Fuller

“Language is the dress of thought.” – Samuel Johnson

“Language is our means of understanding the world and expressing our unique perspectives.” – Carol Ann Tomlinson

“Language can change minds, alter the course of history, and save lives.” – Muhammad Ali

“Language is more than a tool; it is a passport to connect with the world.” – Ursula M. Burns

“Language is the voice of our soul, expressing our deepest thoughts and emotions.” – Suzy Kassem

“Language is the mirror of society, reflecting its diversity, values, and aspirations.” – Shashi Tharoor

“Language is the song that unites us all in the symphony of humanity.” – Suzy Kassem